At the World Book Day celebration at Whitmore Reans Library are Cassie Chadderton, Chief Executive of World Book Day, Elisabeth Whitehouse, Assistant Librarian, pupils from West Park Primary School and Warinder Juss MP
Over 100 children from local schools joined library staff to celebrate World Book Day at a special event at Whitmore Reans Library.
Key Stage 1 pupils from Dunstall Hill Primary, West Park Primary and SS Peter and Paul Primary came along to choose their books, hear a talk from author Nadia Shireen and take part in an illustration workshop run by Vivian Trogg, the illustrator for this year’s World Book Day campaign.
They also enjoyed a craft session and met Postman Bear from the Julia Donaldson book, all courtesy of the World Book Day charity. The children were joined by local MPs Sureena Backenridge and Warinder Juss and World Book Day CEO Cassie Chadderton, and the event was compered by Kenny Baraka.
Councillor Obaida Ahmed, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for Digital and Community, said: “Getting into reading at an early age instils a life long love of books, and we were pleased to be one of 6 library services across the country to be able to welcome representatives of the World Book Day charity to an exciting event ahead of World Book Day here in Wolverhampton.
“If you are inspired to read this World Book Day, why not become a member of Wolverhampton’s libraries? It’s free to join and will give you access to a huge range of books, including eBooks and eAudiobooks.”
Cassie added: “World Book Day is all about unlocking the fun of reading for all children. Through events like this brilliant one at Whitmore Reans Library, we’re encouraging children to see reading as an exciting and enjoyable hobby.
“Libraries provide children with a community to explore books, share recommendations, and experience reading as a joyful, judgment free activity beyond the classroom. B letting go of pressure and embracing choice, we can help more children find the fun in reading and unlock the incredible benefits it brings.”
World Book Day, which this year will take place on Thursday (6 March), is celebrated annually by 100 countries around the world, with children being given tokens to exchange for free books from a selection chosen by the World Book Day charity. To find out more, please visit World Book Day