As winter turns to spring and the days grow longer, it’s the perfect time to consider how you can lead a healthier lifestyle.  As winter turns to spring and the days grow longer, it’s the perfect time to consider how you can lead a healthier lifestyle. But we don’t all have the time, energy or desire to commit to running a marathon or climbing mountains. Here are 10 simple health tips from legal healthcare   1. Rise early – as sunrise gets earlier, hauling yourself out of bed early and getting outside can help boost your level of vitamin D, most of which…

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Analysis of data from over 16,700 patients has revealed that ethnic minority patients with heart failure are at much higher risk of death than White patients. According to the study, supported by the British Heart Foundation and presented this week at the British Cardiovascular Society conference in Manchester, there are sizable inequalities in heart failure treatment and outcomes. The risk of death in ethnic minority heart failure patients was calculated to be 36 per cent higher than that of White patients after an average of 17 months. The research also showed that the disparity was greater if patients also had…

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Older adults may be slower to learn actions and behaviours that benefit themselves, but new research shows they are just as capable as younger people of learning behaviours that benefit others. Researchers at the Universities of Birmingham and Oxford found that youngsters, in contrast, tend to learn much faster when they are making choices that benefit themselves. The study, published in Nature Communications, focused on reinforcement learning – a fundamental type of learning in which we make decisions based on the positive outcomes from earlier choices. It allows us to adapt our choices to our environment by learning the associations…

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Mindful eating is an approach to food where you pay full attention to eating. Research has shown that eating mindfully can improve digestion, help regulate appetite and helps us enjoy our food much more. Here we share some simple ways to incorporate mindful eating into your daily routine: Preparing your food For many people, cooking can feel like a chore but it doesn’t have to be a rushed experience or something we do on autopilot. Whether you’re chopping, slicing, or marinating, the art of being mindful when you are cooking is an ideal opportunity to focus your attention on textures,…

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Healthy skin is really one of the most important ingredients for beauty-enhancement. This article on skin care tips is an effort to bring the 10 best skin care tips to you. The list of skin care tips has been restricted to 10 because anything more that that would not only be difficult to remember, but also shadow the more important skin care tips. So let’s see what these top ten skin care tips are: * Knowing your skin type is one of the most important skin care tip. This is important because not every skin care product suits everyone. In…

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Drinking a cup of warm lemon water every morning is one of the simplest, most affordable and natural ways to improve your health which has incredible benefits on your health. Energises your Body It gives your body a lasting boost of energy, making it a healthier alternative to your morning tea or coffee. Healthy Digestion The minerals and vitamins found in lemon juice encourages healthy digestion, reduces heartburn and bloating by loosening any toxins trapped in your digestive tract. Rich Source of Potassium Lemons are also a great source of potassium which helps keep your heart healthy, build muscle, and…

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Being flued up is no uncommon occurrence during the chilly Winter Season. With the air being less humid in winter, flu viruses can live for longer periods indoors, where we spend most of our time if the weather’s looking dreary! Therefore, germs and bacteria can spread easier from one person or place to another. So, beware and follow the advice below to combat the flu this winter! Stay at home –  Take valuable time off school or work if you’re feeling unwell. Put your upcoming work and errands on hold until you feel better or you’ll just end up feeling…

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A study involving nearly half a million people in China reveals a clear link between cooking with wood or coal, and an increased risk of major eye diseases that can lead to blindness, according to a report published today in PLOS Medicine. About half the world’s population – 3.8 billion individuals – are exposed to household air pollution from cooking using ‘dirty’ solid fuels, such as coal and wood.1 While previous studies have reported a possible link between cooking with solid fuels and an increased risk of cataracts in women, it is unclear whether similar associations also exist with other…

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1. Physical exercise. Physical exercise strengthens your brain. Exercise benefitsyour brain cells. The blood vessels inside your brain dilate and increase blood flow when you engage in regular exercise. Exercise helps to elimin toxins and allows oxygen and other nutrients to flow into your brain strengthening your brain cells. 2. Mind exercises. Concentration and clear thinking are more or less automatic once you remove distractions. Learn to stop and watch your busy mind. As you notice things that are subtly bothering you, deal with them. This might mean making a phone call you need to make, or putting things on…

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you thought being obese is being the target of fun, it only tells the part of the story about dangers and predicaments obesity exposes you to. Obesity is no more a simple result of overeating-lead-to-overweight case. To quote the American Obesity Association’s words, “It is now recognised that obesity is a serious, chronic disease. No human condition — not race, religion, gender, ethnicity or disease state — compares to obesity in prevalence and prejudice, mortality and morbidity, sickness and stigma.” Obesity is a trojan horse. It brings a battalion of ailments, which are most detrimental to our health. To…

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