The Deutsche Bank Awards for Creative Enterprise (DBACE) help creative entrepreneurs turn their ideas into reality. Aspiring individuals who want to go into business in the creative industries and require practical and financial support are being targeted. Applicants will be able to explore, develop and establish their creative ideas into sustainable ventures – through business planning training, mentoring and capital funding for starting-up. The programme aims to find the best talent with the ability to drive positive social impact through their creative enterprise. DBACE welcomes applications from UK entrepreneurs aged 18 and over, who have a strong idea or an…
We’ll ѕtаrt with thе gооd ѕtuff: Guеrillа marketing iѕ cheap. At thе high еnd, you mау end uр invеѕting a fеw hundred dollars in promotional itеmѕ or a mаjоr, centralised рiесе thаt you саn build a numbеr of diffеrеnt campaigns аrоund. At thе lоw еnd, it’ѕ frее — and you саn’t bеаt frее! In аdditiоn tо growing уоur buѕinеѕѕ, guerrilla mаrkеting invоlvеѕ nеtwоrking, both with your сuѕtоmеrѕ аnd with оthеr buѕinеѕѕеѕ. In the рrосеѕѕ of еxесuting аnd maintaining уоur campaign, you will mаkе a lоt оf new friеndѕ and allies. Guеrillа mаrkеting is ѕресifiсаllу tailored tо mееt thе needs оf…
Sandwell pensioners who received a letter from the council before Christmas with a £200 payment are being reminded to make sure they cash it in by the middle of March. Older people who didn’t receive a Winter Fuel Payment but who qualify for Council Tax Reduction (and not Pension Credit) were written to in December along with a voucher that needs to be cashed in at the Post Office. These payments are aimed at supporting households with people of pension age who aren’t eligible for Pension Credit, but who are on a lower income than most. More than 75% of…
From Cash flow to marketing, getting a new business up and running can be a difficult task, but new entrepreneurs will benefit from these 10 start-up tips which ensure you have all the boxes ticked before you start your business. 1. Seek Help There are many issues that you will face while starting up a business so why not seek advice from others who faced the same problems. The business growth service is just one of many organisations which have rich information about problems that start-ups may face. 2. The Structure The ownership options differ from a limited company, a…
Technical staff with teaching responsibilities working in higher education and research can now benefit from an accredited teaching qualification, the Postgraduate Certificate Higher Education Global, to enhance their skills and careers. The UK Institute for Technical Skills and Strategy is launching the first postgraduate certificate in higher education designed in collaboration with the University of Nottingham’s School of Education for technicians working in UK-wide universities and research institutes. National data published in 2022 shows that 63% of technicians with teaching responsibilities have not received any training on how to teach, or how to support teaching in higher education, yet 27% want to develop…
More than 200,000 businesses could for the first time get access to specialist support for disputes with their energy supplier, under plans announced. Under new proposals, companies with up to 50 employees would qualify for support from the Energy Ombudsman – with issues ranging from disputes over bills and energy supply, to how an energy product or service has been sold, or wider customer service issues. Currently, this support is only available to businesses of up to 10 employees, and households. Making this move will enable these companies to settle disputes with their energy supplier without facing costly court fees…
CarGurus reveals top three factors that push drivers to the “breaking point” with their existing cars 10-day wait for repairs and fewer than three faults are enough to make drivers reach “breaking point” to find a new car Drivers are willing to spend an average of £14,320 on a new car: 1,752% more than the £772 breaking point to maintain a current vehicle 50% of motorists have made unexpected trips to the garage in the past year; 40% are putting off repairs because of cost Nearly three-quarters of motorists are stressed by the prospect of unexpected repairs CarGurus has listed…