Refurbishment work has brought new life into a grassroots football team’s changing room.  The changing facilities situated at Clayhanger Park were still in use by local teams, however, many would avoid them due to their poor condition. SUEZ recycling and recovery UK stepped forward to help through Walsall Council’s corporate social responsibility programme. The company re-decorated both the interior and exterior of the changing room in December 2024. Work included painting the floors and replacing the coat hangers in the changing room, most of which were broken. The changing room is now back in use for Walsall Wood Juniors…

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The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is offering grants of between 20,000 and £14.642 million to not-for-profit organisations for projects that take surplus food off farms and into the redistribution system with the aim of helping to fight hunger in communities in England. Proposals need to: Build stronger collaborations with farmers to access surplus food. Expand logistical capacity to transport and distribute rescued produce efficiently. Invest in critical infrastructure such as refrigeration, storage facilities, and transport vehicles to keep food fresh and safe for redistribution. Procure packaging and labelling equipment to streamline the handling of surplus goods.…

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Sandwell pensioners who received a letter from the council before Christmas with a £200 payment are being reminded to make sure they cash it in by the middle of March. Older people who didn’t receive a Winter Fuel Payment but who qualify for Council Tax Reduction (and not Pension Credit) were written to in December along with a voucher that needs to be cashed in at the Post Office. These payments are aimed at supporting households with people of pension age who aren’t eligible for Pension Credit, but who are on a lower income than most. More than 75% of…

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