Eating raw foods is a way to give your body some of the nutrition it desperately needs. Many of us are at least slightly overweight, and even the morbidly obese are starving for essential proteins and amino acids. All the processed, cooked foods we eat give us only a small percentage of what we need. Consequently, we eat and eat and yet we’re still not nourished. Psychologists try to tell us we’re eating to make up for an emptiness in our souls. Wrong! Our bodies our empty and trying to tell us so.Eating raw foods is good for us on…

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skin from harmful UV rays and may also help improve the appearance and texture of your skin. Pumpkin has the power to penetrate deep into skin helping to soften and soothe dry skin. Pumpkin also boosts collagen production which keeps skin from looking cracked and scaly. Strong bones – Pumpkins are a wonderful source of magnesium which can help strengthen the formation of teeth and bones. Magnesium is also great for heart health as it helps to stabilise the rhythm of your heart and can prevent abnormal blood clotting. Promotes weight loss – As a nutrient-dense food, pumpkin manages to…

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One of the problems facing anyone trying to eat healthier, especially for someone trying to move towards eating more raw foods is the convenience factor. Raw and natural foods are so much healthier for you, but it’s not as if there are drive-through raw foods restaurants on every street corner in the country. And of course, there’s no such thing as a raw foods snack machine, is there? So if you get hungry during the day, you’re going to have a challenge of finding something appropriate to eat if you haven’t packed any raw fruits and vegetables. And when you’re…

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Chocolate also has antioxidants that protect both your immunity and that of the baby and helps reduce the risk of health complications like cancer and heart disease. Controlled chocolate intake can also help reduce the risk of preeclampsia by up-to 70%. Preeclampsia is often characterized by high protein levels in urine and high blood pressure. This condition can lead to your death or the baby in extreme cases. That said, you need to choose your chocolate wisely. There are different types of chocolate, and some are filled with sugary content, while others have low sugar content. Dark…

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You may think that it is just a harmless drink or two at the end of the day to help you relax. it’s just a few drinks when you get together with friends. or it’s just that you need to get rid of the office stress. We all need to catch a break sometimes, which makes our favorite brand of drink our best friend. Trouble starts when ‘a drink or two’ moves to a level where you can’t hold the drink anymore. It affects your ability to think straight and take decisions that you may regret in retrospect. Alcoholism not…

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Researchers from Aston University have found that people following healthy eating accounts on social media for as little as two weeks ate more fruit and vegetables and less junk food. Previous research has shown that positive social norms about fruit and vegetables increases individuals’ consumption. The research team sought to investigate whether positive representation of healthier food on social media would have the same effect. The research was led by Dr Lily Hawkins, whose PhD study it was, supervised by Dr Jason Thomas and Professor Claire Farrow in the School of Psychology. The researchers recruited 52 volunteers, all social media…

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retracting cables of the pot along with the modern room-saving fashion that is not a problem when someone cooks meals for his / her loved ones. The detachable internal cook pot of the ricecooker helps it be much simpler and easier to clear. Tiger rice cookers are the perfect addition for your cookhouse. The Tiger rice-cooker is verified to be in providing the quality of rice that was ready efficient that all food judge may agree. The grain prepared is delicate and downy, also it tastes not bad to consume. Utilizing the Tiger cooker, you can enjoy delicious grain…

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Palliative care aims to improve the quality of life of people living with life-threatening illness and people close to them. It prevents and relieves suffering and focuses on helping people to live well until the end (Hospice UK 2020). Worldwide approximately only 14% of people who need palliative care currently receive it. In the UK, 90% of people who die would benefit from palliative care, meaning over 600,000 people each year need it; a figure only going to increase as the population ages and the complexity of conditions from what people are dying from increases. If the current trend continues, the demand for…

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Pesticides are sprayed heavily on grains, it may not be the gluten that you are sensitive to, it may rather be the high pesticide content that is causing you the gastrointestinal issues! Toxicity in food comes from multiple sources. Toxic influences during the plants’ growth phase include phosphate fertilizer (which has a radioactive component), waste sludge and glyphosate When you eat your bread as a child, your GI Tract has good ability to recover the damage caused to the epithelial lining, however constant intake over a period of time, along with various other added threats such as compromised immune system,…

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What’s the largest organ in your body? It’s your skin! It provides a protective covering for the other organs of the body. It changes to regulate your internal body temperature. And it’s a good indicator of overall health and well-being. People spend thousands of dollars on skin preparations to make your skin look vibrant and glowing. They’re all topical products – products that we put on top of our skin. But if we spent just a fraction of the money we spend on these preparations on RAW FOODS, we’d begin to see an immediate change in the texture of our…

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