To some extend the habit of smoking is a product of socialization. Socialization is simply the tendency to repeat patterns of behaviour one sees other persons in the society exhibit. Socialisation is one major way children and young people learn social skills. Children and teenagers learn skills necessary to live and work in the society by a socialisation process. Unfortunately also bad habits and bad ways of thinking are learned the same way. If one lives or works together with other smoking individuals, one will more or less automatic adopt these individuals’ smoking habits. If one then tries to break…

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South Asians have a high risk of heart disease, diabetes, excess body fat, fatigue and a number of other health conditions, mainly due to genetic factors and their high-carbohydrate lifestyle. Many other Americans, while often eating different types of carbohydrates than those found in a traditional South Asian diet, are also at risk for such health problems due to their dietary habits.  Ronesh Sinha, M.D., an internal medicine doctor with the Palo Alto Medical Foundation and author of the “South Asian Health Solution,” says white rice and flatbreads are staple foods in the traditional South Asian diet, but eating uncontrolled portions often…

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With norovirus cases in Wolverhampton high, residents are being urged to do all they can to help stop the virus from spreading. Norovirus, also known as the winter vomiting bug, is a stomach bug that causes sickness and diarrhoea. It can be very unpleasant, but most people will make a full recovery within 2 or 3 days without needing any medicine. However, some groups – including young children, the elderly or those with weakened immunity – are at risk of suffering more serious and prolonged illness, which may require medical treatment. Symptoms include feeling sick, being sick and diarrhoea, as…

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Folic acid, a water-soluble B vitamin occurs naturally in food and can also be taken as food supplements. Naturally occurring sources of folic acid includes green leaf vegetables (spinach, turnip), poultry, pork, shellfish, pea’s beans, liver, cereal and citrus furies. Folic acid is one of the necessary elements required for production and maintenance of human cell. Folic acid deficiency and diseases: Folic acid deficiency may cause various disorders. Some of these are highlighted below. Folic acid deficiency may cause weakness, poor growth, graying hair, inflammation of the tongue, palpitations and behavioural…

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It is thought that around one in five people in the UK suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Interestingly, people from a BAME community are at higher risk of suffering from than those who are not. Why is this the case? Dr Preethi Daniel, Clinical Director at London Doctors Clinic vouches to explain.   What is vitamin D and how do we normally obtain it?    Vitamin D, otherwise known as the sunshine vitamin, is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps regulate minerals such as calcium and phosphate in the human body.    Much of the vitamin D in our body is made naturally from…

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There are two main types of cholesterol, LDL, sometimes termed ‘bad’ cholesterol, and HDL, sometimes termed as ‘good cholesterol’. The reality is that we do need some of both types of cholesterol, but the incorrect balance can be harmful. When LDL cholesterol builds up in the arteries, it can contribute to plaque formation, whilst HDL cholesterol removes harmful cholesterol from the bloodstream. With this in mind, here are some tips for creating a healthy cholesterol profile. Increase Fibre Intake Fibre, particularly the type found in porridge oats and wholegrains, known as beta-glucan, helps to reduce LDL cholesterol levels. Go Plant-Based…

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A probiotic drink could become a promising new weapon in the battle against antibiotic resistant bacteria, after a team of scientists at the University of Birmingham engineered and patented a key genetic element that can tackle the genetic basis of resistance. The team is now seeking funding for a clinical trial for the drink which has potential to work against many resistant bacteria commonly found in the human gut including E. coli, Salmonella and Klebsiella pneumoniae. It works by targeting small DNA molecules, called plasmids, inside bacterial cells. These molecules frequently carry genes that give resistance to antibiotics, which the…

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This Valentine’s Day, Walsall Council celebrates the many reasons why over 280,000 people call Walsall home. From its vibrant leisure attractions and green spaces to its strong sense of community and diversity, Walsall offers something for everyone. “ Walsall is a borough with a rich, diverse community. From our beautiful green spaces to visitor attractions, there is lots to explore and love, not only on Valentine’s Day but every day of the year. “ Councillor Gary Flint, Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing at Walsall Council 1. Nature and thriving wildlife. Walsall boasts of 43 parks and green spaces, offering…

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Could you reduce your meat consumption? Many red and processed meats are high in saturated fat. Too much saturated fat in the diet can raise the amount of LDL cholesterol in the blood. The NHS recommends a daily meat intake of no more than 70g. Reducing your intake of red and processed meats will not only benefit your health, but it is also good for the environment. We have some tips to help you reduce your red and processed meat consumption. What are red, white and processed meats? Red meat includes beef, lamb and pork and it tends to be…

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The directors of a city business where cockroaches contaminated surfaces and equipment have been successfully prosecuted by City of Wolverhampton Council. Acting on a complaint, the council’s environmental health officers visited The Millions Kitchen, in Showell Road, and discovered the infestation. Food preparation surfaces, equipment and food packaging were all found to be contaminated by contact with cockroaches when officers made their inspection during August 2023. Chris Onohwano Igomuaye and Sikiru Owolewa, directors of The Millions Kitchen, each pleaded guilty to a breach of The Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 during a hearing at Dudley Magistrates Court on…

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