Today (Monday 18 November, 2024) marks the start of International Fraud Awareness Week, and the City of Wolverhampton Council is reaffirming its commitment to protecting public funds and services from fraud. Public sector fraud costs the UK billions annually, affecting the NHS, schools and other vital services. The council works collaboratively with the Public Sector Fraud Authority, wider Government and with external partners to find and prevent fraud. Councillor Louise Miles, Cabinet Member for Resources, said: “The council has a policy of zero tolerance towards public sector fraud. It is far from a victimless crime, and its impacts ripple through…

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carbohydrates. The food that a person consumes should have vitamins, minerals and fiber. A lot of this can come from oats, rice, potatoes and cereals. The best still come from vegetables and fruits since these have phytochemicals, enzymes and micronutrients that are essential for a healthy diet. The second is fat which can come from mono and poly saturated food sources rather than animal fats. Since fat contains more than double the number of calories in food, this should be taken in small quantities to gain or lose weight. Another way to stay healthy is to give up some…

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Vitamin C is often regarded as a wrinkle fighter or an anti-aging agent. The main objective of ‘Vitamin C skin care’, in scientific terms, is to increase the synthesis of collagen (a structural protein that is found in skin). The additional benefit of ‘Vitamin C skin care’ is related to its capability of countering free radicals which cause damage to the skin. Vitamin C skin care, however, faces a major challenge today. This is related to the oxidation tendency of Vitamin C skin care products. On coming in contact with any oxidising agent (e.g. air), the Vitamin C in the…

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Central Library will be holding a coffee morning and information session later this week to mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It takes place on Thursday (24 October) from 10.30am to 12pm in aid of Breast Cancer Now and in partnership with AgeUK. People are invited to come along for a cuppa, a cake and to find out more about support services in the local area. They can also wear something pink and make a donation for charity. Meanwhile, staff from the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Public Health team and the Black Country Integrated Care Board will be at Asda, Wolverhampton,…

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On October 16 each year, World Spine Day describes the burden of spinal pain and disability for people, around the world.  World Spine Day promotes the importance of spinal health and well-being. The goal is to encourage physical activity, with good posture, responsible lifting and healthy working conditions.   Four out five people do have or will have at some point significant back pain. Spine pain affects all people across their life course and is the most noted cause of disability in every country.  World Spine Day encourages people to take steps to be kind to their spines. Free Physician 1:…

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Isuzu UK is proud to announce its success as a runner-up in ITV’s prestigious Head First Awards, securing up to £250,000 of matched airtime on the ITV network. The award, aimed at highlighting the importance of mental health and wellbeing, aligns with Isuzu’s commitment to supporting men in hard-to-reach, often labour-intensive environments. The ITV Head First initiative, which encourages brands to create campaigns that champion mental health, is designed to foster long-term cultural change. Isuzu’s entry centres on the power of comradery and conversation, showcasing the pick-up truck as a safe space for meaningful dialogue between friends, family, and…

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Research reveals many vegans and vegetarians are dissatisfied with product options Almost half of vegans and a quarter of vegetarians are dissatisfied with the choice of food products available to them, new research has revealed. Specialist PR agency Ingredient Communications commissioned market research experts Surveygoo to conduct an online survey of 1,000 consumers (500 each in the UK and US). Overall, 4% said they were vegan, although this figure was higher in the US (6%) and among 18-24-year olds (13%). A further 4% were vegetarian, with 3% describing themselves as pescatarian. The survey also suggests that…

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Every so often, a food ‘scare/scandal’ story will appear in the media about the ingredients in foods that we buy or consume daily. For instance, a few years ago, it was about horse meat being found in burgers sold by various supermarkets. Much of the reaction to that revelation verged on repugnance that discerning palates may have unwitting consumed a piece of Dobbin. There was also the concern that there was no mention of a horse on the label. One of the questions it raised was, what’s really in our food? For instance, the British may not be fond…

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Eating raw foods is a way to give your body some of the nutrition it desperately needs. Many of us are at least slightly overweight, and even the morbidly obese are starving for essential proteins and amino acids. All the processed, cooked foods we eat give us only a small percentage of what we need. Consequently, we eat and eat and yet we’re still not nourished. Psychologists try to tell us we’re eating to make up for an emptiness in our souls. Wrong! Our bodies our empty and trying to tell us so.Eating raw foods is good for us on…

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skin from harmful UV rays and may also help improve the appearance and texture of your skin. Pumpkin has the power to penetrate deep into skin helping to soften and soothe dry skin. Pumpkin also boosts collagen production which keeps skin from looking cracked and scaly. Strong bones – Pumpkins are a wonderful source of magnesium which can help strengthen the formation of teeth and bones. Magnesium is also great for heart health as it helps to stabilise the rhythm of your heart and can prevent abnormal blood clotting. Promotes weight loss – As a nutrient-dense food, pumpkin manages to…

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