Steaming is beneficial for cleaning all types of skin. It cleans the skin of all surface dirt, stimulates the circulation and unclogs blocked pores. If your skin is dry, steam your face once a week. It can be used every day if you have a very greasy skin. Electrical devices are available to produce steam and this process is known as Sauna Facial. Steaming can be taken by leaning over a large bowl of boiling water, by covering your head with a towel and making a tent around the bowl. The steam will open the pores, loosen blackheads and bring…
are not twenty-one anymore! Now its time to start looking at the possibilities for anti-aging, not in the form of surgeries, treatments, or pills, but in exercising. When you begin to get older, your body will most likely go through different functions. Cells in your body may begin to slow down as you begin to get older. There may be differences in the rate that your metabolism is able to work. Because you are not growing anymore, you do not necessarily need the hormone for growth, meaning that it will slow down. This particular hormone slowing down will also cause…
There are times on your weight loss journey when progress can come to a halt. Days or weeks can go by without you seeing movement on the scale, and it can get downright frustrating. After working with thousands of clients, I’ve noticed certain patterns that can cause this weight loss stoppage. Here are 3 of those patterns. 1) Eating more than you think you are. Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Zone Delivery Service, and other diet systems have one undeniable benefit to them – they define for the average person how large an actual “serving” is. Most of us underestimate the…
1. Physical exercise. Physical exercise strengthens your brain. Exercise benefitsyour brain cells. The blood vessels inside your brain dilate and increase blood flow when you engage in regular exercise. Exercise helps to elimin toxins and allows oxygen and other nutrients to flow into your brain strengthening your brain cells. 2. Mind exercises. Concentration and clear thinking are more or less automatic once you remove distractions. Learn to stop and watch your busy mind. As you notice things that are subtly bothering you, deal with them. This might mean making a phone call you need to make, or putting things on…
1.Cayenne Pepper/Capsaicin (Chilli peppers): A promising spice with anticancer properties, an overdose of chilli peppers, however, should be restrained. Capsaicin induces the process of apoptosis that destroys potential cancer cells and reduces the size of leukaemia tumour cells considerably. It can be concluded that apart from setting our tongues on fire, chilli peppers can scare cancer pathogens off too. 2. Ginger: This humble spice boasts of medicinal qualities that help lowering cholesterol, boost metabolism and kill cancer cells. Easily added to vegetable dishes, fish preparations and salads, ginger enhances the flavour in cooking. Chew on fresh parsley if the odour…
Preparations are well underway for the holy month of Ramadan and those observing the fasts know just how quick paced it can be, but when used correctly, Ramadan can present the perfect opportunity to show reverence to Allah and escape from the pace of everyday life. The month is of huge importance across the Islamic world and involves Muslims focusing on spiritual gains by guarding their hunger, thirst, frustration, irritation and sexual attraction. Tips for a healthier Ramadan Eat Suhur The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, highly recommend eating this pre-dawn meal before a day of fasting.…
To some extend the habit of smoking is a product of socialization. Socialization is simply the tendency to repeat patterns of behaviour one sees other persons in the society exhibit. Socialisation is one major way children and young people learn social skills. Children and teenagers learn skills necessary to live and work in the society by a socialisation process. Unfortunately also bad habits and bad ways of thinking are learned the same way. If one lives or works together with other smoking individuals, one will more or less automatic adopt these individuals’ smoking habits. If one then tries to break…
Sweating over belly fat? Tips to make the tire go away Belly fat has been linked with many umpteen numbers of underlying health issues such as cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer. Belly fat can be deep and comprise… Belly Fat by Asian World2019-01-26 Belly fat has been linked with many umpteen numbers of underlying health issues such as cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer. Belly fat can be deep and comprise the “visceral” fat cells that are said to produce hormones, thus negatively impacting overall health. While there is no “magic bullet” that can shrink the belly…
How you perceive and react to stressful events in life is more important to your health than how frequently you encounter stress, says a study. According to the researchers, the more negatively an individual reacts to a situation the more he/she may be at risk of developing heart disease. The team wanted to find out whether daily stress and heart rate variability — a measure of autonomic regulation of the heart — are linked. A potential pathway that links stress to future heart disease is a dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system — a case of a person’s normally self-regulated…
Losing weight is challenging. But as anyone who has ever successfully lost weight knows, it’s avoiding weight re-gain that’s the real challenge. This is true no matter what method you follow to lose weight. For example, studies show that people who follow very low calorie diets (between 800-1,200 calories per day) regain between 26% and 121% of their lost weight five years after treatment. People who follow behavioural weight management programmes (such as WW, formerly Weight Watchers) regain between 30-35% of their lost weight after one year. Even people who use weight loss medications, such as Wegovy, are shown to…