Research shows exercising more was the UK’s most common New Year’s resolution for 2024*, and the Government is helping hundreds of thousands more people across the UK keep their resolution and get active by delivering high-quality grassroots sport facilities. From Belfast to Bracknell, over 1,100 projects are receiving funding that will go towards facilities such as changing rooms, pavilions, state of the art 3G artificial grass pitches, goalposts and floodlights, improving access to sport and physical activity for local communities. Sports Minister Stuart Andrew announced the funding during a visit to Oaklands Park in Chichester, where over £700,000 from the…
Electric drivetrain upgrades, new engine variants, as well as additional standard and optional equipment features will make the current BMW model range even more attractive and versatile in spring 2025. The use of new components for the power electronics and other measures designed to optimise efficiency have resulted in a considerably increased range for the all-electric BMW i5. Standard equipment on all BMW 5 Series models will soon include ambient lighting complete with a BMW Interaction Bar featuring a crystalline surface, lumbar support for both front seats as well as the Harman Kardon HiFi loudspeaker system. Two new variants of the…
The creation of volunteering opportunities and involvement of the Friends of Pleck Park forms part of the improvement programme too. Twelve volunteer opportunities will be created for young people aged 16-25, aligning to the council’s healthy spaces vision to ‘increase sustainability through increased use of volunteers’. FCC Communities Foundation is a not-for-profit business that awards grants for community projects through the Landfill Communities Fund. “ I’m delighted to be supporting this programme. We want residents to take pride in their local park, and our vision is to improve Pleck Park as a green space for local residents, enhance community…
We’ll ѕtаrt with thе gооd ѕtuff: Guеrillа marketing iѕ cheap. At thе high еnd, you mау end uр invеѕting a fеw hundred dollars in promotional itеmѕ or a mаjоr, centralised рiесе thаt you саn build a numbеr of diffеrеnt campaigns аrоund. At thе lоw еnd, it’ѕ frее — and you саn’t bеаt frее! In аdditiоn tо growing уоur buѕinеѕѕ, guerrilla mаrkеting invоlvеѕ nеtwоrking, both with your сuѕtоmеrѕ аnd with оthеr buѕinеѕѕеѕ. In the рrосеѕѕ of еxесuting аnd maintaining уоur campaign, you will mаkе a lоt оf new friеndѕ and allies. Guеrillа mаrkеting is ѕресifiсаllу tailored tо mееt thе needs оf…
Sandwell pensioners who received a letter from the council before Christmas with a £200 payment are being reminded to make sure they cash it in by the middle of March. Older people who didn’t receive a Winter Fuel Payment but who qualify for Council Tax Reduction (and not Pension Credit) were written to in December along with a voucher that needs to be cashed in at the Post Office. These payments are aimed at supporting households with people of pension age who aren’t eligible for Pension Credit, but who are on a lower income than most. More than 75% of…
A Wolverhampton Councillor and former Mayor of the City has been appointed as an MBE in the King’s New Year Honours list. Park ward Councillor Claire Darke has been awarded the prestigious honour for services to Local Government, to Disability and to Suicide Prevention. When Mayor of the city between 2019 and 2021, Councillor Darke raised money for the Wolverhampton Suicide Prevention Stakeholder Forum as one of her nominated charities. Speaking about receiving the honour from the King, Councillor Darke said: “It is such an honour to be nominated for an MBE. To know someone would have taken the time…
From Cash flow to marketing, getting a new business up and running can be a difficult task, but new entrepreneurs will benefit from these 10 start-up tips which ensure you have all the boxes ticked before you start your business. 1. Seek Help There are many issues that you will face while starting up a business so why not seek advice from others who faced the same problems. The business growth service is just one of many organisations which have rich information about problems that start-ups may face. 2. The Structure The ownership options differ from a limited company, a…
On Thursday 19th December 2025, a community event was hosted at the Community Plaza arranged by UK Global Goodwill Ambassador Mohammed Zafran. The event had Amjad Rashid from Tell Mama come and deliver a talk on Hate Crime. Alan Edwards Regional Manager of West Midlands Crimestoppers spoke about the community reporting crime anonymously and not to suffer in silence. Influencial Romanian Activist Julian Nistor thanked Mohammed Zafran for hosting this event which brought so many communities together. A lot of representatives came from local mosques, businesses and the team of world renowned Activist Akhmed Yaqoob were also present. Mohammed Zafran…
The council has sold two plots of the Perry Barr Residential Scheme to Legal & General Affordable Homes, bringing forward 487 homes as affordable housing, offering a mix of rent and Shared Ownership. Another developed plot is being retained by Birmingham City Council for council housing, further elevating the total number of affordable homes delivered in phase one of the Perry Barr Residential Scheme to 700. The sale ensures that 100% of the homes on the three plots are affordable homes, which more than doubles the affordable housing target of 312 set out in the planning application for the entire…
The weakness occurs because of ‘BadRAM’ – rogue memory modules that deliberately provide false information to the computer’s processor during startup. Processors are present in every computer and are necessary to perform every calculation. The computer’s memory (DRAM) is essential for storing code and data. When a computer boots up, the processor will communicate with DRAM modules to learn size, speed and configuration. This information is stored on the so-called SPD chip. But by tampering with this chip, the researchers found that attackers were able to bypass the AMD’s security mechanisms put in place to protect sensitive data – particularly…