Hair loss is tragic for most people as it affects their confidence. Fortunately, science has proven from time to time again, that hair loss can be reversed completely.
While genetics are usually to be blamed, most balding problems are actually derived from the way you lead your lifestyle. Undergoing stress and neglecting your well-being are just some of the major factors that contributes to hair loss.
Basically, such negative lifestyle habits triggers the production of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a hormone that attacks hair follicles, causing your hair to wither and eventually fall off.
Today, experts have classified Dihydrotestosterone as one of the leading causes to hair loss.
Understanding DHT
DHT is the final product of excess testosterone that is converted by an enzyme known as 5-Alpha Reductase. While the presence of DHT is usually more common among men, women are not spared either. Certain biological female processes can also lead to the production of Dihydrotestosterone.
Regulating Dihydrotestosterone
DHT is certainly something to look into if you’re experiencing baldness. It is more common than you think. Fortunately, it is pretty easy to start lowering DHT levels within your body.
Basic habits like getting enough rest and having a balanced diet goes a long way. Some nutrients that help to combat Dihydrotestosterone and nourish your hair are Magnesium, Folic acid and B vitamins.
Since hair strands are made of Keratin, it is also crucial that you have enough protein sources throughout your daily meals.
DHT blockers will also make a good addition to your repertoire. These blockers are usually sources that are natural and easily accessible. Some common ones are Saw palmetto and Rosemary oil.
Natural DHT blockers can be used as an external or internal treatment. Usually, saw palmetto extract are used as a supplement to get rid of Dihydrotestosterone from inside your body. Saw palmetto is known to reverse hair loss with 2 important processes.
Firstly, it blocks the 5-Alpha Reductase enzyme. As mentioned earlier, this enzyme is the culprit to the production of DHT. Secondly, saw palmetto helps to withstand the effects of DHT by blocking out receptor sites on cell membranes.
Saw palmetto is the best-known DHT blocker around the world. Aside from treating hair problems, men and women use it to treat prostatic diseases and high androgen levels respectively.
As Dihydrotestosterone is the same hormone that causes Acne, it is pretty common for people to use saw palmetto as a treatment for overall skin health.
Typically used as a topical treatment, many scientific studies have confirmed that rosemary oil is more effective than most expensive hair loss treatments.
This is possible due to the many antioxidants found in rosemary. When applied externally on the hair, rosemary oil will reduce the inflammation of the scalp and hair follicles. Some people have also claimed that rosemary helps in slowing down hair graying and treat dandruff.
It is in fact, quite a common practice among people to nourish their hair with rosemary oil daily. It is also used as a stress reliever. The inhalation of rosemary has been proven to lower cortisol levels. Cortisol is one of the main hormones that causes a negative response when you are under stress.
Safe to say, rosemary oil not only treats DHT found on the scalp, but also prevents the formation of it by regulating stress levels.
The list of DHT blockers is a long one. The best part; most of them are natural and cheap too! You will be surprised at how a simple search will lead you to the realization, that DHT blockers can be found in your everyday foods.
When it comes to health…
It often leads back to how you live your life. More often than not, poor lifestyle habits invite all kinds of diseases. The old adage holds true – “Prevention is better than cure”. As long as we keep our body out of harms way, we will definitely live a more promising life.
Where hair loss is concerned, people often find themselves frantically looking for the next revolutionary treatment. Little did they realize that the next “revolutionary treatment” lies from within themselves. Logically, if you resort back to a poor routine after receiving treatment, you will still find yourself vulnerable to more hair problems.
About The Author
Haikal is an avid writer in the health and fitness niche. Outside of his writing ventures, he is a personal fitness trainer. He currently writes for