Struggling to relax and fall asleep is nothing new and is an extremely common experience. Lack of sleep and disturbance to a regular pattern can cause stress and anxiety, so with many struggling with this nightly problem, it is comforting to know there are ways in which you can reduce these anxious feelings.
Not only could CBD support healthy wake and sleep cycles, but introducing CBD into your daily routines could help reduce stress and anxiety considerably due to the substance activating serotonin receptors in the brain, alleviating anxiety and initiating relaxation.
Studies like the Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series showed that adults taking part saw a significant decrease in anxiety and sleep within the first month of use (72.2%), proving just how beneficial the natural substance can be.
A spokesperson for Leafwell commented:
‘Alongside eating well and exercising, getting a good night’s sleep is one of the most important things you can do to keep healthy. Medical cannabis – and cannabinoids and terpenes like THC, CBN, and myrcene in particular – is well-noted for its sedative properties and can aid a person’s sleep.’
While there are many reasons why medical cannabis could aid in a healthy sleep cycle, one of the most important benefits of medical cannabis is that it is also a great alternative to sleeping sedatives that are highly addictive.”
Relax and clear your mind in the evening
The stresses of day-to-day life tend to stick with us even through to bedtime, making it harder to stop our minds from racing and shaking the everlasting feeling of worry. That is why unwinding before bed can have many benefits, like preventing anxiety and depression as well as lowering the risk of heart attacks.
Therefore, it is essential to figure out the right way in which your body responds to relaxation by trying out a few methods:
Take a hot bath/shower – Along with being a fantastic way to ease muscle tension, by taking a hot bath or shower the hot water will stimulate blood flow in our hands and feet, causing heat to leave the body easily, therefore, allowing the body to cool down and be the perfect temperature for sleeping.
Unwind without a screen – Taking around an hour before bedtime to reduce any activity is a great way to make sure you can drift off with no distractions by the time you are ready to sleep. By turning off your phone, laptop or TV during this time, you are also eliminating artificial light.