Litter busting volunteers have been thanked for their dedicated work to help keep a city beauty spot clean and tidy.
Members of the Friends of Smestow Valley in partnership with the Severn Rivers Trust and other local community volunteers met on Saturday (1 March) to clear along the banks of Smestow Brook and surrounding areas of the nature reserve.
Councillor Bhupinder Gakhal, City of Wolverhampton Council’s cabinet member for resident services, joined in the clean up and council officers helped litter pick and arranged to collect and remove the bags of rubbish.
Also joining the event on Saturday was Tracey Hodgson, owner of city business Falcon Industrial Supplies in Park Lane. The company has donated 50 high viz vests and 24 pairs of gloves to the council for use during litter picks.
A further 50 litter pickers and 50 pairs of gloves have been donated by Justin Brown from the Landscape Supply Company, which works with councils across the country.
Saturday’s litter picking efforts come as plans for this year’s Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean are warming up. The national annual tidy up, which will run from 21 March to 6 April, is now in its tenth year.
Councillor Bhupinder Gakhal, said: “It was great to be able to join such a committed group of volunteers at Smestow Brook.
“It is clear the pride that they have in their city and I would like to thank them all for giving their time to Wolverhampton. There is no excuse for littering and everyone can help keep their communities clean by disposing of their rubbish properly.
“Our officers were able to support the volunteers with clearing away bags and I’d also like to thank Tracey and Justin who have donated equipment to help. I hope that these combined efforts will inspire others to get involved in the Great British Spring Clean.”
This year’s Great British Spring Clean is encouraging people across the country to show they love where they live by taking part in mass action litter picks.
The charity is calling on communities to pick one bag or more of litter from streets, parks, beauty spots or beaches to protect the country’s vibrant communities and precious wildlife habitats.