The Big Community Switch is a community group buying scheme run by iChoosr in collaboration with councils across the UK.
Solihull residents can now register to take part in the latest round of a scheme which has already helped thousands of residents go green and save money on their energy bills.
Known as the Big Community Switch, the collective energy switching scheme is designed to secure better energy deals for households, helping them switch energy suppliers, move to a 100% renewable electricity tariff, and potentially save money on their energy bills.
It uses the bargaining power of a large group to help secure lower prices from energy suppliers.
The last auction in October saw British Gas offer residents a 12-month fixed rate deal with an average annual saving of £156 based on a dual fuel monthly direct debit online contract.
A new auction with trusted and vetted suppliers is taking place on 18 March 2025 and residents can register their interest to take part for free from today (Monday 17 February 2025) until 28 April 2025.
Residents will be informed by email of the outcome of the auction in April. They will then have until 1 May 2025 to decide if they want to accept their personal offer, and there is no obligation to switch.
To register or find out more, visit Solihull Council’s Big Community Switch webpage.
Solihull Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Mark Parker, said:
“We know switching energy suppliers can be a daunting task, so we’re pleased to see the Big Community Switch return to offer households competitive deals through a hassle-free process.
“The last auction saw more than 1,500 Solihull residents sign up to help take control of their energy costs and save money on their bills, so I encourage others to take advantage of the scheme and register for free, with no obligation to switch.”
Solihull Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Planning, Councillor Andy Mackiewicz, said:
“The Big Community Switch has proven popular in Solihull since it launched here in 2015, already helping more than 7,580 residents save a staggering £1.921 million combined, as well as 3,687 tonnes of CO2.
“Cutting down on our emissions at home is hugely important as around a quarter of all carbon emissions in Solihull come from the energy we use in our homes. Switching to green, renewable energy is one way residents can play their part – whilst potentially saving themselves money.”
Big Community Switch is run by iChoosr, an independent expert in energy switching.
George Frost, spokesperson for Big Community Switch, said:
“Rising energy costs have placed a significant burden on households. This scheme offers a
practical starting point for residents to make an informed decision about switching their energy supplier.
“By coming together as a community, people in Solihull can access tariffs offered through the scheme that might not be available to them individually.”