Birmingham City Council is encouraging local communities affected by the summer public disorders to apply for a Community Recovery Small Grants Fund.
The fund is intended to support Birmingham communities significantly impacted, causing ructions within communities. The rebuilding required is not just associated with physical infrastructure, but to begin work to repair fractured communities and bring people back together.
Expenditure eligible under this scheme should demonstrate it is in connection with:
Immediate action to safeguard life or property,
To prevent suffering or severe inconvenience,
To reduce the risk of further disorder in the future, or
To rebuild social trust and promote cohesion between communities.
Applications up to a maximum of £15,000 are invited and organisations can apply for more than one project. Joint and partnership-working between applying organisations is also encouraged.
Councillor Nicky Brennan, Cabinet Member for Social Justice, Community Safety and Equalities, said: “Some of our communities experienced devasting disorder this year, which had long-lasting effects.
“The Community Recovery Small Grants Fund is a positive step in the right direction and builds on furthering improvement, bringing the community together and directly benefitting residents. We know this fund will help to make those communities affected, safer and cleaner.
“It is important to us that we learn from all the projects in our ongoing commitment to empower communities to thrive.”