The Birmingham and Solihull Tobacco Control Alliance (BSol TCA) has launched a campaign to help you light up your life, by giving up smoking.
Throughout February and March, the “Light Up Your Life” campaign will feature across social media, radio, buses, and outdoor spaces to raise awareness of the stop smoking services available across Birmingham and Solihull.
Ruth Tennant, Chair of the Birmingham and Solihull Tobacco Control Alliance and Director of Public Health at Solihull Council, said: “Smokers keen to start their smokefree journey should know that we’re here to help.
“Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your health and your body starts to repair itself from the day you quit.
“A range of support is available for smokers across Birmingham and Solihull, with more information available on the light up your life website.”
Personalised support is available for smokers across Birmingham and Solihull, with tailored support available for people who smoke during pregnancy.
In Solihull, the Smokefree Solihull service is delivered by ABL, with other smoking cessation offers including Swap to Stop.
Cllr Tony Dicicco, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health at Solihull Council, added: “I’d really encourage any smokers to think about lighting up your life.
“We know that giving up smoking can be difficult, but our Smokefree Solihull service provides free support to anyone who is registered with a Solihull GP, has a Solihull postcode or who works in the borough.
“Our team will provide you with the support you need to light up your life and look forward to a smoke-free future.”
Smoking cessation services in Birmingham are delivered by community pharmacies and GPs with other support available, including the Quit with Bella App.
Cllr Mariam Khan commented: “Quitting smoking is one of the best decisions a smoker can make for their health and wellbeing. We urge smokers to consider the numerous advantages of starting their smokefree journey by using the local resources available to them.
Our free cessation programmes are personalised to meet individual needs, giving people the best chance to live a smokefree life and improve their health and wellbeing.”
Organisations involved in the BSol TCA include Birmingham City Council, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council and the Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board.
Nationally, Smokefree 2030 aims to reduce smoking rates to less than 5% by 2030, making England effectively smoke-free.