1.Cayenne Pepper/Capsaicin (Chilli peppers): A promising spice with anticancer properties, an overdose of chilli peppers, however, should be restrained. Capsaicin induces the process of apoptosis that destroys potential cancer cells and reduces the size of leukaemia tumour cells considerably. It can be concluded that apart from setting our
tongues on fire, chilli peppers can scare cancer pathogens off too.
2. Ginger: This humble spice boasts of medicinal qualities that help lowering cholesterol, boost metabolism and kill cancer cells. Easily added to vegetable dishes, fish preparations and salads, ginger enhances the flavour in cooking. Chew on fresh parsley if the odour bothers you.
3. Oregano: More than a pizza or pasta topping, oregano confirms its worth as a potential agent against prostate cancer. Consisting of antimicrobial compounds, just one teaspoon of oregano has the power of two cups of red grapes! Phyto-chemical ‘Quercetin’ present in oregano restricts growth of malignant cells in the body and acts like a drug against cancer-centric diseases.
4. Cinnamon: It takes not more than a half teaspoon of cinnamon powder every day to keep cancer risk away. A natural food preservative, cinnamon is a source of iron and calcium. Useful in reducing tumour growth, it blocks the formation of new vessels in the human body.
5. Cumin: Yes, it aids digestion and probably that is why we like chewing a handful of cumin seeds at the end of every meal. However, its health benefits go beyond. A portent herb with antioxidant characteristics and cumin seeds contains a compound called ‘Thymoquinone’ that checks proliferation of cells responsible for prostate cancer.